TuesdayAug 20, 2019 9:00 am

Gov. Polis Outlines California’s Hemp Plan During Supplements Conference

A widely anticipated hemp and CBD supplements conference gave California Gov. Jared Polis a platform to reveal the direction in which he wants to steer the industry within the state. Governor Polis took to the podium and revealed that he wants to keep California ahead of the pack in terms of dominance of the hemp and CBD industry. The American Herbal Products Association organized the event at which the governor and his administration outlined what they planned to do to make California dominant in the hemp industry. The governor started by revealing that California has been exporting industrial hemp to…

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MondayAug 19, 2019 9:00 am

Georgia Hemp Farming Act Prompts Police to Drop Marijuana Charges

When Gov. Brian Kemp signed Georgia’s Hemp Farming Act in May, little did he know the ripple effects that this law would have regarding the prosecution of marijuana cases in the state. By law, hemp is defined as cannabis whose THC content is less than 0.3 percent while marijuana has a higher percentage of the psychoactive compound (and that is why users get high). With the enactment of the hemp cultivation law, prosecutors around the state are announcing changes to the way they handle low-level marijuana cases. For example, the Solicitor General of Gwinnett County publicly announced that the county…

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WednesdayAug 07, 2019 9:00 am

Hemp Theft Continues, Even if the Crop Won’t Get People High

When industrial hemp was legalized, many farmers quickly took to the crop because of its numerous uses, including CBD extraction, textile or rope making, biofuel making and animal feed, among others. However, a raft of hemp thefts have been reported in different parts of the country and law enforcement officers believe those who steal the crop want to smoke it in order to get high. The police forces in the affected areas believe that those who are stealing hemp plants are unlikely to be individuals who want to process hemp into its different end-products since such an undertaking requires sophisticated…

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