MondayJul 06, 2020 10:00 am

Phase 1 Clinical Trial Planned to Evaluate DMT

Mind Medicine (NEO: MMED) (OTCQB: MMEDF) (“MindMed”) recently announced that it was providing funding for a Phase 1 clinical trial aimed at evaluating the main psychotropic active ingredient dimethyltryptamine (“DMT”) found in ayahuasca. This clinical trial is slated to begin in the fourth quarter of this year. DMT occurs naturally and is the primary reason why the indigenous shamanic practitioners in the Amazon use ayahuasca in their ceremonies. However, DMT quickly triggers its psychoactive effects and these effects also wear off a lot sooner than those of other psychedelic ingredients like LSD and psilocybin. When DMT is administered as an…

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ThursdayJul 02, 2020 3:45 pm

Activists Say Oregon Psilocybin Ballot Measure Obtained Enough Signatures for November Poll

Activists behind an initiative to legalize magic (psilocybin) mushrooms in Oregon for medicinal purposes have announced that they gathered a lot more than the required number of voter signatures in order for the measure to qualify for the polls in November. While Oregon’s Secretary of State hasn’t verified all those signatures, the advocates behind the “Yes on IP34” say that according to their independent audit, the campaign exceeded the minimum number of required signatures before the deadline on July 2. Their confidence may not be misplaced, given that the office of the Secretary of State had confirmed that the first…

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ThursdayJul 02, 2020 10:00 am

3 Novel Ways in Treating Addiction

Approximately 40 million people in the U.S. suffer from substance abuse disorders (SAD), and the number is expected to grow as other forms of addiction, such as gambling and video games, take a bigger toll on the population. Currently, there are about eight drugs to treat addiction, and it isn’t surprising that these aren’t always helpful in treating patients since the people with SAD exhibit various symptoms which may not always respond to the existing pharmaceutical options. Consequently, there is a huge need to think outside the box and come up with novel ways to treat SAD. Here are three…

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WednesdayJul 01, 2020 3:15 pm

New Poll Shows Most Canadians Support Legalizing Psilocybin for Terminally Ill Patients

A new poll conducted in June this year shows that most Canadians support the legalization of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms (shrooms) for the treatment of terminally ill patients. Currently, magic mushrooms are listed in Schedule III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in Canada. This makes the compound inaccessible for therapeutic purposes. This categorization has remained even if a lot of research from globally respected research entities at New York University, Johns Hopkins, UCLA and Kings College London, among others, shows the irrefutable potential and safety of psychedelics in treating a variety of conditions. TheraPsil, a…

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WednesdayJul 01, 2020 10:00 am

New Product Could Flip the Switch on Bad LSD Trips

When you talk to a number of people who have ever consumed magic mushrooms and other plant-based psychedelic substances, you will inevitably encounter stories of “bad trips” characterized by feelings of entrapment, mild anxiety, terror, alienation and other such unpleasant effects. The risk of these “bad trips” scares a lot of people away from using psychedelics, and one psychedelic medicine company has come up with an invention that could neutralize and stop a bad LSD trip in its tracks. Mind Medicine (NEO: MMED) (OTCQB: MMEDF) (“MindMed”), together with the Liechti Laboratory found at Basel University Hospital in Switzerland, are the…

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