MondayAug 10, 2020 9:15 am

Psychedelic Decriminalization Measure Gets Official Nod for DC Ballot

An initiative that would in effect decriminalize several psychedelic substances in the nation’s capitol has officially been cleared for inclusion on the November ballot. The official announcement that the advocates had met all the requirements was made on Wednesday when the Board of Elections had a virtual meeting. Last month, Decriminalize Nature D.C. submitted the voter signatures they had collected during an exercise that was made even more difficult by the COVID-19 outbreak and the resultant social distancing regulations intended to contain the virus. The unique challenges of this campaign prompted advocates from around the country to fly to the…

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FridayAug 07, 2020 9:30 am

How Israel is Taking the Lead in Medical Psychedelics

This may be surprising news, but Israel is quietly taking the lead in the world of conducting research on and using psychedelics for medical purposes. When you think about it, it is only natural that the state of Israel picks a lot of interest in psychedelics. For starters, more than one in ten Israelis suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. That is a large proportion of the population and the government is keen to find ways to alleviate the symptoms of these people. Furthermore, military service is compulsory and conflicts between Israel and some of its neighbors break out on a…

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ThursdayAug 06, 2020 9:15 am

Did You Know the UK Tested LSD on Royal Marines Decades Ago?

If you have just picked interest in psychedelics and what they could treat, you might be surprised to learn that in the 1960s, the UK government tested LSD on teams of Royal Marines in order to find out whether the substance could work as a “humane” way to incapacitate enemy forces during combat. Three such tests were conducted on marine commandos, and they were codenamed Moneybags, Recount and Small Change. These codenames for those drug trials were selected when one humorous member of staff observed that LSD could be colloquially referred to as Pounds, Shillings and Pence. In this case,…

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WednesdayAug 05, 2020 10:00 am

Self-Care and Psychedelic Integration

There is consensus that psychedelic substances enhance neural plasticity (our ability to form new connections between the neurons in our brains). This enhanced neural plasticity explains why people start looking at issues differently or develop novel ways of solving the problems which have plagued them for a while. If psychedelics can facilitate such changes for the better, it becomes even more important for you to include improved self-care in your psychedelic integration plan. After all, of what good would it be if you saved the world but lost yourself in the process? What is Self-Care? Broadly speaking, self-care refers to…

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TuesdayAug 04, 2020 10:00 am

How LSD Can Enhance Your Sex Life

As more becomes known about the effects of different psychedelic substances, data on LSD, one of the most common psychedelics, indicates that your sex life can be boosted in several ways by taking this drug. We highlight some of them. Dissolution of Boundaries People who have taken psychedelics report that the substances make them feel as though the boundaries between themselves and others have dissolved. In a sexual context, this dissolution of boundaries means that intercourse will be more intimate, profound and very emotional since you will be one with your partner in all senses of the word. Increased Selflessness…

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MondayAug 03, 2020 10:00 am

Why Some People May Have Lukewarm Reactions After Taking Psychedelics

You have heard the wild stories from your friends about their psychedelic experiences and you have finally made up your mind to also “trip.” However, after taking the substance, rather than the rollercoaster you expected to go on, there is nothing but the sound of crickets in your head. What could have happened? Experts say one of the following factors may be responsible for your lackluster reaction to psychedelics. Taking an Inadequate Dose The stories of how powerful psychedelics can be may scare some people so much that when they decide to take these substances, they administer a dose that…

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