FridayJun 17, 2022 12:47 pm

Pennsylvania Veterans to Help Researchers Study Psychedelics as Trauma Treatment

In the state of Pennsylvania, a movement led by former members of the military has declared that there is an urgent need to make psychedelics widely available as a treatment for conditions such as severe depression and PTSD. The available treatments for mental health often aren’t effective, leaving veterans grappling with side effects, including muscle spasms and cramps, weight gain, and addiction. Prior studies have found that military veterans have an elevated risk of developing depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries. Research conducted in 2018 found that 23% of veterans exhibited PTSD symptoms. With psychedelics seeing a resurgence…

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ThursdayJun 16, 2022 4:00 pm

Mystical Experiences Due to Psilocybin Linked to Positive Mental Well-Being

Psychonauts have long talked about how profoundly psychedelics can affect your mental well-being, with many of these individuals revealing that psychedelics changed their lives. In recent years, psychedelics have seen a resurgence in popularity as more people use them recreationally, for medical purposes and as part of their spiritual journeys. Now new research has found that hallucinogens, specifically psilocybin, may have positive long-lasting psychological effects. Drummond E-Wen McCulloch, author of the new study, wrote that in some individuals a medium to high dose of psilocybin could cause profound alterations in consciousness. McCulloch explained that this was often accompanied by dissolution…

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WednesdayJun 15, 2022 1:00 pm

What You Should Know About Ego Death

Everyone has experienced it at least once in their lives: you walk into a room with purpose only to realize you have no idea what you came for. You stare at the room, racking your brain for information, but all you draw is a blank. This state of temporary amnesia is the concept behind ego death. Also referred to as ego dissolution, this term has been used in mystic and psychedelic communities for decades to describe a state of temporary autobiographical amnesia. Think of that moment of brain fog stretching over time, leaving you floating in a cloud of nothingness…

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TuesdayJun 14, 2022 3:58 pm

British Columbia Moves to Decriminalize Possession of Various Drugs

Last month, the province of British Columbia received permission from the federal government to decriminalize the possession of various drugs. This news from the province, which is home to roughly 5 million individuals, was announced by the minister of Federal Mental Health and Addictions, Carolyn Bennett. The measure’s objective is to help alleviate the opioid overdose crisis, which has affected this particular province greatly. The new regulations, which will decriminalize the use and possession of illegal substances such as fentanyl and heroin, will come into effect on January 31, 2023. It should be noted that the sale and distribution of…

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MondayJun 13, 2022 2:01 pm

Five Books on Psychedelics You May Enjoy Reading

Psychedelics have been seeing a resurgence in popularity over the past couple of years, thanks to their purported medical abilities. Several studies have also found that psychedelics such as LCD and ketamine can be used to treat substance abuse and mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you would like to learn more about psychedelics, there is plenty of material available for you to dig into. Here are some books to start you off if scientific reports aren’t your thing. “LSD, My Problem Child: Reflections on Sacred Drugs, Science and Mysticism” This book was…

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FridayJun 10, 2022 12:17 pm

Four Key Takeaways from the Catalyst Summit in Canada

A couple weeks ago, a psychedelic conference known as the Catalyst Summit was held in Ontario. Representatives of Health Canada, politicians, researchers and leaders of psychedelic drug companies as well as trained therapists and patients who had gained benefit from psychedelic drugs gathered together. Various panel discussions were held, some of which focused on how psychedelics could be used to treat a range of mental health conditions. As researchers learn more about these drugs and more studies on their effectiveness are conducted, the substances get one step closer to getting legalized. Given that it is only a matter of time…

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ThursdayJun 09, 2022 3:35 pm

New Study Suggests That MDMA May Decrease Fear, Boost PTSD Treatment

A new study that looked into the relationship between an individual’s response to fear and the use of MDMA has found that combining this drug with recall therapy and fear extinction learning substantially decreased the fear felt by individuals involved in the study. This comes after MAPS recently released promising results from its phase III clinical trial, which found that MDMA-assisted therapy could be beneficial to patients with PTSD. The MindMed-linked research was carried out by scientists based at the University Hospital of Basel, which is located in Switzerland. Their objective was to test whether the use of MDMA could…

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WednesdayJun 08, 2022 1:36 pm

Study Offers New Insights into Psilocybin’s Mechanism for Treating Depression

About 30% of individuals suffering from depression usually don’t benefit from treatment using antidepressants. This highlights the need to expand the collection of drugs available to individuals with depression. In the last few years, increasing evidence has found that psychedelic compounds such as psilocybin may be useful in the treatment of depression. Psilocybin is the active compound found in magic mushrooms that causes hallucinations when administered in large doses. However, while researchers know the drug can relieve depression by changing the response of an individual’s brain to serotonin, they don’t know much about the process of how the drug works…

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TuesdayJun 07, 2022 12:14 pm

New Research Finds That Individuals Prefer Guide with Personal Psilocybin Experience

New research has found that individuals with symptoms of depression believe that it is crucial that guides who aid in psilocybin-assisted therapy have used the substance themselves. Guides are trained professionals who facilitate the psychedelic experience. Psilocybin is the active compound found in hallucinogenic mushrooms. It causes hallucinations when ingested in high doses. Various studies have found that the compound may be useful during the treatment for a range of mental health conditions, including depression. While it is possible for clients to have and value a guide that has used psilocybin previously, it may raise concerns or doubts among other…

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MondayJun 06, 2022 2:48 pm

Researchers Look into Use of Psychedelics in Treating Autism

Various studies have found that psychedelics may provide the potential to treat a range of mental health conditions. Anecdotal evidence from individuals such as Aaron Orsini has also shown that drugs such as MDMA, psilocybin and LSD may be useful in managing autism. Orsini, who has in the last eight years or so consumed the aforementioned substances to help manage his autism symptoms, recently wrote a book detailing his experiences with psychedelics. Despite this, researchers are hesitant about the use of psychedelics by individuals with autism. Scientists know that psychedelic drugs primarily act on the serotonin system, which is already…

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