MondayJul 31, 2023 12:07 pm

Early Trials Suggest Psychedelics Could Treat Anorexia

American researchers studying the effects of psychedelics on eating disorders have found that psilocybin, the main hallucinogenic agent in magic mushrooms, may be able to treat anorexia. U.S. researchers ran the small study, which involved 10 adult women aged 18 to 40 years of age. Eating disorders such as anorexia, binge eating and bulimia nervosa are some of the most dangerous mental disorders in the United States, taking one life every 52 minutes and costing the country $64.7 billion yearly in medical costs. They are second only to opioids in terms of deadliness and are extremely hard to treat due to…

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FridayJul 28, 2023 11:33 am

Study Suggests SNRIs, SSRIs Reduce Effects of Psilocybin

Findings from a recent study have revealed that SSRI and SNRI use may weaken the effects of psilocybin (magic mushrooms). The researchers were specifically interested in the extent to which antidepressants could diminish the effects of psilocybin when they were taken alongside the psychedelic and after antidepressant use is halted. Psychedelics are predicted to revolutionize the psychiatric industry in a major way due to their purported mental health benefits. A series of studies have found that psychedelic drugs such as psilocybin, MDMA and LSD may be able to treat mental conditions  anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even eating disorders.…

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ThursdayJul 27, 2023 1:44 pm

Kentucky Commission Receives Expert Testimonies on Psychedelics Benefits as Opioid Treatments

The Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission has begun taking expert testimonies on the benefits of using psychedelics to treat opioid use disorder. Psychedelics have emerged as a potential alternative treatment to a wide variety of mental disorders in recent years, thanks to an influx of psychedelic-based research. Scientists have found that psychedelic compounds such as psilocybin can aid in the treatment of conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression and substance-use disorder. A panel of experts in Kentucky is now receiving testimonies on the potential benefits of incorporating psychedelic-assisted therapy into opioid use disorder treatment protocols. The panel comprised of…

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WednesdayJul 26, 2023 12:58 pm

Minneapolis Mayor Signs Order Deprioritizing Psychedelics Policing

Drug reform activists in Minnesota scored a major win after Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Fred signed an order that requires the police department and related agencies to deprioritize the arrest, investigation and conviction of people for psychedelic-related charges. The executive order deprioritizes policing for certain psychedelics, stating that investigating and arresting Minneapolis residents for the cultivation, distribution, purchase or possession of entheogenic plants will be of the “lowest law enforcement priority.” Psychoactive or entheogenic compounds refer to plants that naturally induce hallucinogenic experiences when ingested. They include mescaline, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), iboga and ayahuasca tea. However, Frey explained that these entheogenic…

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TuesdayJul 25, 2023 12:47 pm

Why Psychedelics Are Gaining Mainstream Support

Over the past couple of years, a class of illegal drugs has captured the mainstream public’s attention by the throat and refused to let go. Psychedelics have joined the wave of drug reform that has swept across America in the past two decades and left dozens of states with legal recreational or medical marijuana markets. But while the state-level cannabis revolution continues to gain momentum, the psychedelic industry is still in its infancy with barely any regions across the country allowing psychedelic use. Even so, the public is enthralled by hallucinogenics and the enticing benefits they are said to offer,…

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MondayJul 24, 2023 1:30 pm

New Research Suggests Psychedelic Helplines Could Avert Possible Harms

New research analyzing psychedelic use in nonclinical settings has found that creating psychedelic helplines could help alleviate the potential harms of recreational psychedelic use. Researchers behind the recent study were concerned with the lack of safety protocols for psychedelic use in nonclinical settings as recreational psychedelic use is on the rise among Americans. Psychedelics have captured the scientific community and the mainstream public’s attention due to their potential mental health benefits. A growing body of research has revealed that psychedelics can treat a myriad of mental health conditions with few side effects and offer long-term relief to patients who didn’t…

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FridayJul 21, 2023 1:17 pm

Study Suggests Psychedelic Microdosing Could Heighten Authenticity

Research into psychedelics is increasingly revealing that these purportedly dangerous drugs may have potent mental health benefits. While modern antidepressants work by influencing the levels of hormones such as serotonin in the brain, psychedelics seem to deliver their benefits by influencing the mind and perception. Their unique effects allow psychedelics to deliver long-term benefits against a myriad of mental disorders, with minimal side effects. Clinical studies have found that psychedelics, including psilocybin, can treat conditions such as major depressive disorder when conventional treatments have failed. A recent study looking at the potential benefits and risks of microdosing psychedelics has found…

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ThursdayJul 20, 2023 2:53 pm

UC Berkeley Survey Finds Psychedelics Use Evolving

A recent survey by the Center for the Sciences of Psychedelics (BCSP) at UC Berkeley has found that the way people use psychedelics is evolving amid increased awareness and local legislative reform. Americans are more aware of psychedelics than they have been for decades, and the poll found that most survey respondents support regulating psychedelic-assisted therapies or at least decriminalizing psychedelics. As with cannabis, psychedelics have benefitted from a nationwide wave of reform that has seen legislators in several states table proposals to legalize therapeutic psychedelic use. In addition, psychedelics have seen a significant surge in interest from the scientific…

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WednesdayJul 19, 2023 3:17 pm

Study Documents How People on Psilocybin vs. Antidepressants Process Emotions

A new study has attempted to explore how people on antidepressants such as Lexapro (escitalopram) and psilocybin process emotions on a neural level. The researchers behind the recent study wanted to analyze how people process their emotions when under the influence of psilocybin compared with Lexapro, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is commonly used as an antidepressant. Depression is the largest cause of disability across the globe, affecting tens of millions of people and costing adults in the United States more than $200 billion in 2018. While some people have greatly benefitted from current therapies, these treatments are…

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TuesdayJul 18, 2023 3:38 pm

Moms Are Microdosing Psychedelics to Get Through Hectic Days

It seems that an increasing number of mothers in the United States are microdosing psychedelics to help them cope with the stresses of motherhood. As a growing body of research indicates that psychedelics may be effective mental-health treatments, the trend of microdosing psychedelics, specifically among moms, has been on the rise. These studies may be the first official efforts to fully research psychedelics and their potential benefits, but they have been incredibly encouraging so far, indicating that hallucinogenics could help treat various mental health conditions that typically don’t react to conventional medications. Microdosing psychedelics means taking small amounts of hallucinogens,…

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