ThursdaySep 12, 2024 10:00 am

Study Suggests Psychedelics Generally Well Tolerated

New research has determined that classic psychedelics including psilocybin and LSD are well tolerated in research and clinical settings, with rare adverse events occurring. For their study, the researchers focused on evaluating the severity, frequency and nature of adverse events linked to psilocybin, LSD, 5-MeO-DMT and DMT. The researchers carried out a meta-analysis and systematic review that studied data obtained from 114 studies that involved more than 3,500 participants. The studies included were drawn from different databases, including Web of Science, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, and Scopus. The research covered studies published up to Feb. 8, 2024. They also had two independent…

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TuesdaySep 10, 2024 10:00 am

Authors of New Study Recommend Shift from Mystical Experiences in Psychedelic Research

Interest in psychedelics has increased significantly these last few years, with researchers finding out more about the potential mental health benefits of substances such as LSD, mescaline, DMT and psilocybin. Thus far, research has determined that these drugs induce intense emotional experiences and alter individuals’ perception and cognition, with some also causing mystical experiences. Now, a recently conducted review has found that the therapeutic potential of these substances extends beyond mystical experiences. The study authors argued that psychedelic benefits weren’t universal, noting that the drugs could also induce existential crises, anxiety and depersonalization. In their review, they highlight the importance…

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ThursdaySep 05, 2024 10:00 am

New Research Suggests Psychedelics Have Proven Potential in Alcoholism, Drug-Addiction Treatment

Recently conducted research may have found new approaches to treat alcohol-use disorder. One study determined that administering psilocybin is both effective and safe in decreasing the consumption of alcohol in patients with alcohol-use disorder. This study examined 10 adults with severe alcohol use disorder during the 12-week research period. For their open-label study, investigators at the University of Copenhagen administered one 25mg psilocybin dose to each participant. They observed that the consumption of alcohol by participants reduced significantly, with most of them consuming fewer drinks and craving alcohol less following the treatment. In their report, the researchers explained that the…

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TuesdaySep 03, 2024 10:00 am

Psychedelics Trigger Brain Plasticity in Addiction Treatment

Psychedelics are a class of drugs that induce different states of consciousness, with classic psychedelics such as mescaline, psilocybin, DMT and LSD acting as agonists of the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor. Over the last 20 years, we have observed a significant resurgence of studies focused on the use of psychedelics to address beliefs, traumas and behavioral patterns underlying mental-health disorders. Various studies have centered on re-evaluating the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, including MDMA, ketamine and psilocybin, in treating addiction. Thus far, the studies have demonstrated that psychedelics may be effective, particularly where traditional treatments fall short. Some studies have determined that…

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