WednesdayOct 21, 2020 4:44 pm

How to Maximize Your Benefits from Taking Ketamine

Ketamine can be used to relieve symptoms of depression, including those from treatment-resistant depression. While the ideal way to use ketamine is in a comfortable and safe setting and the treatment administered in the presence of a counselor or psychotherapist, many ketamine treatment facilities may not offer these services. To help you get the best out of each ketamine treatment, here are a few tips you can use: Trust in the process. Ketamine is a dissociative drug so like with any other psychedelic-inducing experience, you should let go and see where the journey takes you. You should also try to…

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WednesdayOct 21, 2020 1:05 pm

Mushrooms’ Potential in Functional Foods Market Being Realized by Therapeutics Innovator Rritual Mushrooms

Emerging Wellness Foods Brand Rritual Mushrooms Inc. is developing plant-based superfood products to lead out a fledgling market segment that has a high degree of promise as consumer interest in functional foods increases While the mushroom therapeutics subcategory of products is still new and developing, analysts researching the overall functional foods market expect the industry to grow at a CAGR of 7.9 percent to $275.77 billion between 2019 and 2025 Rritual Mushrooms’ introductory product line draws on the reputations of the Chaga, Lion’s Mane and Reishi mushrooms as beneficial to overall wellness, combining them with herbal remedy adaptogens in powdered…

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TuesdayOct 20, 2020 2:45 pm

Colorado Springs Lawmaker States Benefits of Psychedelic Medicine During City Council Meeting

Members of Decriminalize Nature Colorado Springs gave a proposal presentation last Tuesday during a city council meeting. The proposal would make law enforcement against entheogenic substances the city’s low priorities. During the meeting, Richard Skorman, the council’s president stated that he recognized the therapeutic potential of some psychedelics and that his sister-in-law, who had been diagnosed with cancer, was part of a nationally recognized Columbia University study that centered on psilocybin mushrooms. He added that the study had helped her tremendously. The founder of DNCS, Anthony Caballero told the council while describing his proposal that the resolution would be beneficial,…

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MondayOct 19, 2020 10:15 am

Methods to Access Psychedelics Legally

By now, you may know that lots of psychedelic substances are illegal federally, and you risk being persecuted or even arrested if you are found in possession of these substances. How, then, can one legally have a psychedelic experience? We discuss some of the available options in this blog post. Note that each of these options has its own pros and cons, so be sure to talk to your attorney and a trained medical professional before making a decision regarding any of these options. Option #1: Enroll for a Clinical Trial The use of psychedelics in mental health has generated…

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FridayOct 16, 2020 3:15 pm

How the DEA is Impeding the Use of Psychedelics by Religious Groups

Back in the 1970s, the Controlled Substances Act was passed by the federal government and it, in effect, outlawed numerous psychoactive substances, including psychedelics. In 2009, the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) published Interim Guidance under which interested religious groups could apply for exemption from the provisions of the Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”). A close look at the provisions of the interim guidance shows how the DEA is making it difficult for different religious groups to use psychedelics in their religious ceremonies. We highlight some of those infractions. Determining the Authenticity of Religions The DEA’s interim guidance compels petitioners to furnish…

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FridayOct 16, 2020 10:21 am

Rritual Mushrooms Inc. Takes Aim at New Wellness Industry in Functional Foods Marketplace

Rritual Mushrooms Inc. is an emerging producer of premium plant-based superfood products designed to help people meet the demands of modern life with style and ease The company introduced the wellness and nutraceuticals market to its suite of three mushroom and adaptogen-based elixir powders in September Rritual Mushrooms’ products were created to boost immunity, support brain function and help the body fight anxiety Rritual is positioned to take advantage of lifestyle trends that have promoted plant-based proteins and reduced meat consumption in recent years, as well as an invigorated interest in immunity-enhancing substances brought on by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic…

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ThursdayOct 15, 2020 3:35 pm

Techniques to Enhance Psychedelic Therapy

If you are searching for additional ways to enhance the benefits of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, this post offers some suggestions that you can consider for use on your journey. Many of these will support your emotional and physical well-being, while others will be beneficial in boosting your self-control, among other benefits. Take your pick! Yoga For hundreds of years, yoga has been credited for its ability to enhance mental health, and this makes this techniques one of the best that you can consider as an adjunct for psychotherapy. When you practice yoga, your body will produce a lot more of the…

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ThursdayOct 15, 2020 11:45 am

Why Psychedelic Therapy May Not Work for Everyone

Psychedelic-assisted therapy is causing quite a revolution in the world of mental health, and those who have a firsthand experience of how these substances can facilitate healing may find it hard to fathom that some people will undergo psychedelic-assisted therapy and remain unchanged. This article looks at the concept of dissociation and how that can stand in the way of your psychedelic therapy. What is dissociation? When you are faced with an overwhelming threat, your body (emotions and physical body) trigger the release of powerful and natural opioids produced by your brain and nervous system. These endogenous opioids are so…

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WednesdayOct 14, 2020 1:11 pm

Pure Extract Technologies Inc. Leveraging Growing Popularity of Medicinal Mushrooms in Mainstream Medicine

Scientific research suggests some mushrooms can provide mental benefits, anti-tumor effects, improved immune function, anti-viral properties and detoxification “Psychedelic” varieties currently being studied for depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, addiction Pure Extracts is expanding into functional mushroom market; Company is currently licensed by Health Canada to buy, sell, produce cannabis products Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years in Eastern medicine to combat illness, increase mental cognition and improve digestion. As their popularity continues to increase worldwide, Pure Extract Technologies, a privately held, plant-based, Canadian extraction company is leveraging the growing acceptance by mainstream science and the…

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TuesdayOct 13, 2020 3:30 pm

New TV Ads Call on Oregonians to Legalize Psilocybin Therapy

As the November polls draw closer, campaigns are heating up on the different issues to be decided in different states during those polls. In Oregon, campaigners managed to put the matter of legalizing psilocybin therapy on the ballot, and the advocates are doing everything possible to convince voters to cast their ballots in favor of the measure. The latest effort to urge voters is a TV ad featuring a state senator who is also a family physician. In a recorded address to voters, Oregon State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Howard, a Democrat, informs voters that Measure 109 seeks to establish a…

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