Investor Materials

Investors will often turn to a company’s investor materials before reaching out to the company itself. For this reason, it is important that your presentations are accessible, attractive and action-provoking. PsychedelicNewsWire’s (PNW) marketing convergence strategies are designed to reach and engage investors with compelling content that leaves them informed and satisfied.

Using your basic existing content and branching out from there, PNW combines creativity with the latest presentation tools to create a highly aesthetic, classy and clean investor relations packet that accurately communicates your assets to current and potential shareholders, as well as members of the media, the general public, or any other interested party.

Without strategic design and professional delivery, you forfeit an incredible opportunity to connect with investors and demonstrate to them why your company is worth their time and money. PNW’s investor relations campaigns are designed to enhance perception of your brand and help investors make an educated investment decision. We have the people, the tools and the resources to help you convey a powerful message that can’t be ignored.

We work with clients to draft and update materials, including:

  • Corporate presentation analysis or creation
  • Fact sheet analysis or development
  • Website review/recommendations
  • Full development of IR kit
  • Press release drafting and review
  • Conference call/webcast logistics
  • Company announcements via email and social media

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